Doesn’t Frighten Me
Maya Angelou
Angelou was an American poet and an activist. She fought for the rights of the
black people in America. All her poems and novels centre on themes such as
racism and identity. In her poem Life Doesn’t Frighten Me she lists out
the things which one should not afraid of.
narrator of the poem is a young girl. She may be Maya Angelou herself. She says
that she is not afraid of the shadows cast on the wall by the moonlight
spreading strange figures. The noises heard by her in the hall also do not
frighten her. She can hear the dogs barking down the street. In the big cloud close to the moon she can
see the figure of a ghost. Generally, children are frightened by these terrible
figures and scaring noises but not the young girl.
young girl is lying on a bed and the bedspread has the image of a dragon
breathing flame. But the girl is not afraid of it and rather says boo to it.
Outside her window there are guys fighting. They are tough and violent. This
doesn’t frighten her. Even panthers in the park and strangers in the dark
frighten her little. She takes even the boys bullying her in the class by
pulling her hairs or by showing frogs and snakes in a lighter way.
girl convinces herself that nothing can frighten her as she has a magic charm –
a mantra which is powerful enough to let her walk on the ocean floor. The magic
charm is nothing but fearlessness.
This sums up the whole message of the poem that anything is possible if you can
conquer fear.